
Big Ben LondonI hope you enjoy my blogging venture — focused on living a better life, travel, Las Vegas/Nevada commentary, and reflections on the general state of the universe (as an outlet for the ideas always swirling like a cosmic mass within my mind). Stonehenge-2017This site also details my skills/qualifications, including references from previous clients/employers and samples of my work (from procedures and articles to mailers, Web sites, and e-mail campaigns).

NOTE: The TRAVEL IN EUROPE category (under “My Two Cents”) currently contains musings from my travel in England, France, & Italy in late 2011. After waiting a lifetime, I finally had an opportunity I couldn’t refuse. A friend originally from England was going to visit her mum and invited me along. Beyond that, her mum invited me to stay as long as I liked and use her place in Northampton as a home base for my travel on the continent. I warned her repeatedly she might never be rid of me — I was spoiled rotten and enjoyed every minute of my visit. Lucky for her, my budget was limited 🙂

I documented my travels here, based on the daily journals I kept throughout my three-week stay. Hope you get a laugh (or something else of value) from my stories. In some ways, it seems like just yesterday, and, in others, so long ago. Saw some great things and made some great friends along the way. I have been to Europe and England many times since and can never wait to go back again!

This is a work in progress – please check back from time to time…