Author: M.L. Rousseau

We Are Better Than This

Hopeful sky

My heart hurts at the vitriol I am seeing spewed online surrounding #BlackLivesMatter and the recent protest movement, from NextDoor to Facebook to LinkedIn (seen in replies to a post by my alma mater, Michigan State University). My head pounds…

Ludicrous Legislation

House Bill 214 Short Title: Prohibit abortion if unborn has or may have Down Syndrome Long Title: To amend section 3701.79 and to enact sections 2919.10 and 2919.101 of the Revised Code to prohibit a person from performing, inducing, or…

Whining & Dining in Turin

Saturday, 5 November 2011 – Part III of III Hotel Diplomatic Torino (Turin), Italy (from GoogleMaps) Hotel Diplomatic immediately strikes me as a place desperately trying to hang on to an opulent past.  Dark woods, a lot of open space,…